All of us here at Yoga Troop believe that in order to live a happy and fulfilled life, you must also have a balanced body and spirit. For many of us living in this modern, hectic world we need assistance with keeping that balance, and Ayurveda can help. What is Ayurveda? defines it as:
Ayurveda can be summed up in one word: holistic. This healing system focuses on our entire human experience in the process of diagnosing and treating our ailments. Within Ayurveda (Sanskrit for “science or knowledge of life”) there is a strong emphasis placed on balance – balance within our self and, by extension, the balance of existing in our environment.
Ayurveda believes that disease is the natural result of living out of harmony with our environment. It sees the symptoms of any disease as the body communicating that it is in a state of disharmony. Therefore, the Ayurvedic approach to healing focuses on re-establishing harmony between self and the environment.
Ayurveda and Yoga go hand in hand, working with an in the body to heal us and bring us back into harmony and balance. But how does one use Ayurveda? Dr. Deep Singh explains:
Dr Deep Singh, an internationally regarded Ayurvedic practitioner (Vaidya), and son of the holy city of Benares in northern India, explains: “There are seven tissues [plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, marrow and reproductive tissue] which link to eight canonical components, in Ayurveda we understand the tissues, not to be separate, but to be part of a connected whole with each tissue dependant on the preceding tissue for its health. We, therefore, understand that when an illness develops in one tissue it can manifest in all the surrounding or proceeding tissues if left untreated.”
Dr Deep explains that the major disruptions most people are experiencing, either in their health or their psychology, are as a result of emotional disruptions.
He continues: “This is important to explain, because when an emotional disruption occurs, it can manifest in the Physical body, causing illness. This is why I created the pulse healing technique. It is a healing technique which … results in a state of balance in the person.
If you would like to learn more about Ayurveda and Dr. Singh's Pulse Technique, you can read the entirety of this informative article at