Stressed out about Coronavirus? Put your breath work, asanas, and a few Ayurvedic rituals and herbs to use to boost your immune system and stay calm. If you feel that you would benefit from talking to someone during this unprecedented time, reach out to online therapy services today and see how they can help support you. We all know that a strong immune system is the key to fight every disease. So, in this blog, you will read about how yoga and Ayurveda helps boost your immune system to fight the Coronavirus.
you all know, Coronavirus disease has become an economic and social threat due
to its global effect. And by now you may also be getting notices from your
government officials that schools, colleges will remain closed until further
notice and some companies are even asking their employees to work from home. It
has now become a serious issue as it has affected more than one lakh people and
killed nearly 4,900 people around the globe.
You must also be taking the most primary precautions like using hand sanitizers, washing your hands, keeping a safe distance from people who are coughing, avoiding crowded places, or even staying home to avoid all this. But these are the basic precautions that will only help you stay away from the virus for some time at least. But to make yourself internally stronger, you need to boost your immune system so that you can really overcome the disease as it straight away attacks your lungs. It is high time now that one should be concerned about their health as the world health organization has also declared the coronavirus outbreak a ‘global pandemic’ as it is spreading rapidly across the world.
the only way for us now is to make our immune system stronger so as to reduce
the chances of getting affected. We reached out to yoga and Ayurveda, to help
us get a grip on how these ancient practices can boost our minds and bodies,
which might help us, get an edge to ward off the virus. In the end, it is all
about keeping our immune system stronger and healthy.
How Yoga and Ayurveda can help boost the immune system:

The age-old practices of yoga and Ayurveda are more relevant today owing to the number of distressing factors affecting our physical and mental health. Give the necessary boost to your immune system to fight with Coronavirus by strictly adhering to the below mentioned points:
Start with daily meditation
of you have tried it, some of you still stick to it, and others rarely hit the
practice. As for many, meditation practice is only a mean to centre the chakras
and calm the mind. But meditation does more than this; it acts down on various
risk factors linked with a weak immune system. For strengthening immunity and
reduce blood pressure, daily practice of mindfulness meditation can support the
mind and send the right directions to the body and thus act respectively.
Meditation also helps release stress from the body, which again is a win-win
situation for your immune system.
Consume Tulsi Ginger Tea at least twice a day
India, Tulsi is known to be a sacred plant found in every house. It is also
known as Holy Basil, which has amazing therapeutic and medicinal benefits. It
holds strong antitussive and expectorant properties, which operates from the
root to get rid of irritants, phlegm, and also suppress the cold or cough,
hence treating deep-rooted respiratory problems. Holy Basil water also contains
various anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic traits, which can take care of the
cough, cold, and related diseases. In addition, you can also add ginger with
tulsi in the boiling water to make it more effective.
Add Giloy to your Daily Diet
beneficial Ayurvedic herb to consume is Giloy that will definitely boost up
your immune system by making it strong enough to fight coronavirus. There are
different ways to consume this herb, among them the simplest and effective is to
boil the Giloy in water and leave it till it cools downs to room temperature.
Drink this homemade juice twice a day. You can also mix Giloy with a tablespoon
of honey and consume it every morning to improve your immune system. If you
can't find Giloy in the market, then you can also get the Giloy juice or powder
Practice Inversion Yoga
you don't practice yoga, then start doing it today as yoga has so many benefits
and it is more than just postures. Every style of yoga affects the body in some
or other way. Amongst all, Inversion yoga postures have the power to enhance
the blood circulation and aid in better functioning of the body. When your head
is under your heart and bottom above – in postures like Sarvangasana (Shoulder
stand) or Uttanasana (Standing forward bend), the lymph flows into the
respiratory glands, where viruses and bacteria’s often enter the body. And when
you come back to a standing posture, gravity helps here by draining the lymph
by flowing it within your lymph nodes for purifying and cleansing. So
practicing Inversion asana will help in circulating pure blood and will make
the immune system stronger and better.
Hygiene is the Key
now almost everyone is aware of the fact that the most important factor when it
comes to keeping safe from Coronavirus is to maintain proper hygiene. As
discussed in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, ‘Shaucha’ or cleanliness is the one
of the first Niyamas (Niyamas are the
second limb of yoga). It states that apart from self-hygiene, it is equally
important for a person to ensure cleanliness of his surroundings. And even now,
scientists, doctors, specialists, etc. are referring to the same – maintain
hygiene and cleanliness. Always wash your hands after coming from outside, use
hand sanitizers and masks, avoid contact with people and keep your home and
surroundings clean.
Stay away from fried, cold food
cold, fried food decreases the capability of the digestive system, making it
weak. This will eventually affect your immune system. Also fried and heavy food
makes it difficult for your body to digest, so try to avoid them. Rather you
can consume sweet soups, broths, and vegetables.
Practice Pranayama
all know how to practice deep breathing exercises, but the main concern is to
make time for it. Set a time and start practicing with the breathing exercises
regularly, gradually you will maintain a habit of it. It will enhance your lungs,
which not only clears out stored toxins but also increases the flow of lymph in
your entire body. Deep breathing is very effective to boost your immune system
as it opens your side ribs and lungs, and also keeps the organs and blood
circulation moving.
Maintain a proper sleep
of the harmful things you unintentionally do to your body is oversleeping and under
sleeping. While sleeping, the body composes important cytokines
(Immuno-Proteins), which function to fight the infections to keep the body
clean and healthy. Hence, a proper sleeping pattern is directly connected to a
stronger immune system.
Consume supplements like Haldi and Ashwagandha
and Haldi are the oldest and essential herbs of Ayurveda; they are a form of
medicine which heals the body naturally. It keeps away stress, anxiety, and
fatigues that can directly affect your immune system. Involving these herbs in
your food will not keep you away from the effect of coronavirus but also
various diseases.
Take warm showers
Taking warm showers in the evening by mixing Epsom salts and organic
oils like rosemary, basil, ginger, cardamom, pine, cinnamon, cedar, juniper,
and eucalyptus will stimulate and warm the body. It will also help in boosting
the digestive system, reducing inflammation, soothing aches, and also in
eliminating stored toxins from the body. Therefore, it will keep you away from
any kind of diseases by maintaining a better functioning of the immune system.
Make a shift to a Sattvic food or Home cooked food
This sudden outburst of a widely spreading disease has threatened the
world with its impact. To keep yourself safe and protected, the least you can
do is stay away from packaged food or junk food. According to Ayurveda, Keeping
a Sattvic diet has always been said to help a person. So, to preserve and get a
healthy immune system, you need to shift to vegan or home-cooked food.
Vegetables and herbs have every good element that your body needs to fight
against the virus. You should also avoid eating non-vegetarian or red meat.
The immediate outburst of Coronavirus has affected and taken the lives
of many. Besides the death rates, the coronavirus is rapidly affecting
globalization. Scientists and researchers are working day and night to find a
cure for contagious disease. So the best way to keep yourself protected and
safe is to make yourself competent in fighting the virus by boosting your
immune system. To sustain in this time of the pandemic, it has indeed become
necessary to keep ourselves healthy and strong.
The post How Ayurveda and Yoga can Enhance Your Immunity and Protect You From CORONAVIRUS Disease (COVID-19) appeared first on Retreat Kula.
By: Retreat Kula
Title: How Ayurveda and Yoga can Enhance Your Immunity and Protect You From CORONAVIRUS Disease (COVID-19)
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Published Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 10:33:43 +0000