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March 7, 2021

Top Goal For 2020: Have Less Stress and be More Grateful through Meditation

How many times have you been told to slow down, take time to smell the roses, learn to meditate on the positive things in your life, and be grateful for all you have?

I know as for myself it seems nearly daily someone wants to inform me of this universal wisdom. Now don't get me wrong! I definitely know and believe that taking time to meditate is, in fact, a very good and healthy thing to do. However, finding time to do so always seems to be such a chore for me – that is, until I began to realize that if I took a step back and re-evaluated my time spent on frivolous things, there was actually plenty of time to add meditation to my life.

Perhaps you, too, are struggling with this, trying to figure out if you should add meditation to your own life. Perhaps this may help:

11 Warning Signs From the Universe Telling You To Stop

Is the Universe guiding us? The first perspective is that we are completely alone in this world, in a dog-eat-dog society, where everything ultimately falls onto our shoulders to bear. Like Atlas in mythology, we believe that we must carry the weight of the world without any support or guidance, because “that is what it means to be human.” This perspective says we must compete, fight, and hoard because “there isn’t enough good to go around.” The second perspective is that we are actually not alone, and while the ego may feel separate from others, spiritually, we are all connected. Not only are we all fundamentally One, but we also have access to guidance whenever we need help. Read More…


Ah, but I hear some of you say that you're not into all the spiritual mumbo-jumbo out there. Okay, how about a logical response from a neurosurgeon?

http://omgili.com/ri/.wHSUbtEfZRrQMwA9kyMdNPdmB157RA8Z7wLewMsoPRwOL7byO9gQ0812lgYzDTageQrntnDUw2k.jra2zNkaLuohxaJf4x8pLonnsWpmc8-Having a set morning routine can set you up for success. Getty Images Morning routines can be hard to develop, but having one can set you up for a productive day and successful life. Neurosurgeon Mark McLaughlin shares the three-step morning routine he follows to set up the rest of his day for success. He calls it his “triple threat”: meditation, filing, and planning. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when juggling career and work demands, family time, relationships, and other obligations. Read More…


I leave you with a fun article I found that has a wonderful exercise on being more mindful and grateful in your life entitled, 3 Reasons a To-Done List Can Change Your Whole Perspective – Enjoy!

Raise your hand if you ever ended the day wishing that you had gotten more done! We’re all raising our hands, right? If we’re being real here, there is an impossible amount of things to get done in a day. In addition to pouring ourselves into our careers, we try to stay fit, spend time with family and friends, try to be good citizens of the world, meditate, exercise, eat well, keep a clean house, and maybe even have hobbies or a side hustle. And if you’re anything like me, to keep track of it all you might have a To Do list that somehow never gets any shorter no matter how hard you push. So how can we ever feel like we’ve done enough? Read More…


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