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  • Salma Hayek Gets in Shape with the Help of Yoga and Portion Controlled Diet

July 9, 2016

Salma Hayek Gets in Shape with the Help of Yoga and Portion Controlled Diet

I, for one, love hearing about women who don't believe the old adage that “as you get older, you just get fatter and less healthy.” Instead, these powerful women realize that they are the ones in control, and that health and fitness is a choice and not one of mere genetics and aging.

One such woman who I admire greatly is Selma Hayek, and foods4betterhealth.com had this to say:

As she approaches 50, actress Salma Hayek admits that her body confidence has taken a hit as she gets older—some days she loves what she has, and other days she doesn’t feel quite so positive.

Her weight has fluctuated over the years, but thanks to diet and yoga she has been able to get back into shape each time.

I have not yet decided to have children, but I know that my friends and family who have been blessed by a beautiful baby also struggle with the weight that pregnancy can bring – even years later! But this is what Selma did to fix this for herself:

But she achieved successful weight loss through a portion controlled diet and restorative yoga. Yoga is popular among celebrities because, depending on the intensity, it can be an amazing full-body workout. For example, bikram yoga can burn up to 447 calories in 90 minutes, and vinyasa yoga can burn as many as 594 calories per class. Advertisement

Salma Hayek showcases her body at the Los Angeles Premiere Of Momentum Pictures’ ‘Septembers Of Shiraz’. June 21, 2016. Credit: Xavier Collin/Image Press/Splash.

If you would like to learn more about her journey and the steps that she took, read more at foods4betterhealth.com

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